If you are considering attending the Boston Symposium and haven’t booked your hotel room yet, don't delay. Rates at the Boston Park Plaza, where many of the activities will be held, are going up. Why? Because our original allotment of discounted rooms has been fully booked.

The hotel has graciously reserved additional rooms for us at a discount, but they cannot guarantee the original group rate of $289 for every night due to supply and demand. September and October are their busiest months.
A limited number of rooms are still available at $289 on Wednesday, Sept. 27 and Saturday, Sept. 30. But the rates for Thursday and Friday, Sept. 28-29, have climbed to $339. That still represents a discount at the landmark property, just less of one. And after Sept. 15, rates will rise further.
So don’t wait – book your room today! You can always cancel a reservation without penalty more than 24 hours in advance.
Book your room here.
Register for the Symposium here.